How construction waste can upgrade the bedroom

The inspirational chains have long conquered the world and can be obtained from almost any home design store.

In this post I will show you how to turn a simple iron network into an inspirational network that will not shame any Pinterest page and of course how to arrange and organize it like a professional!

Just a taste of all the examples you can find on Pinterest…

I found my iron net in my grandparents’ backyard whose house had recently been renovated and this net was part of the remaining construction waste. You will find such a chain at almost any construction site/nursery/hardware store in your area.

I chose to keep my grid in its original color, but whoever prefers to paint it can do so quickly and easily with spray in any color you choose.

After a little washing, I used my father to hang her on the wall. The net is easy so no problem hanging it on a plaster wall like mine.

After the network depends on us deciding what we want to hang on it, some choose to hang couple or family photos on the web, others inspiring photos, motivational phrases or shopping/to-do lists and more… In fact, you can hang anything you want on your network.

I chose to maintain a uniform line in the design of my network and hang pictures of it with my favorite people combined with images and phrases that inspire and motivate me that I found wandering pinterest. I kept all the photos on a dedicated album on my iPhone that I called “Inspiration Network.”

Tip from me – When you choose your photos you should go for a uniform concept and a uniform palette of colors in order to create a clean and neat inspirational panel that will be pleasing to the eye. I’m for going for bright pastel-colored photos and brown and cream toned browns. You can go for black and white, red and orange or any color combination that does you good in your heart.

I wanted to give my network a taste of vintage and develop all the polariude-shaped images.

There was only one problem – I don’t have a Polaride camera plus I haven’t found a single photo shop in my area which develops photos in this way.

So here’s a creative solution that will allow you to develop images that look just like Polloride for the price of a regular image and easily:

Have you heard of the Unfold app yet? It’s the app that lets you design stunning Stories for Instagram and lots more… I used it to design the pictures for my wall and it took me exactly two minutes (full demo video below).

I sent all the pictures I had designed for development and on my way back from work that day I had already collected them, was happy to find that my trick worked and came out just the way I wanted. I went through a creative store and purchased a package of wooden clips (you can find everywhere) that cost me 10 shekels, in order to hang the pictures on the network.

Now came the fun part:

1. Before you start, put on music you like.

2. Deploy all the photos you’ve developed before and arrange them tones. When the pictures are arranged, it’s much easier to get them organized over the grid.

3. Just start by hanging your photos on the grid, play with it and enjoy the process until you get the perfect result for you to be more than willing with.

I chose to add a few more accessories to the chain and a chain of LED bulbs that I purchased a few years ago and were not in use.Yo
u can of course add to your network everything that only occurs to you….

Done! Thank you that this IS a DIY project so simple that it will miraculously upgrade every empty wall in the office, kitchen or bedroom.

If you enjoyed the post tell me about it in the comments please…

If you tried the project yourself, I’d be more than happy if you took a photo for a story and tagged me!